Hello, my name is Ethel-Anne Roome and I am glad you have taken time to visit my website.
I invite you to come in to talk with me about how The Grief Recovery Method® can help you. The initial consultation is free, and you are then free to decide if you want to move forward with the program. Please call: 717-517-3769
If you decide to participate in this program, please know that I will be there with you and for you as you learn to make peace with the past, so you can be present in the present, and then make plans for the future.

Ethel-Anne Roome is a Certified Advanced Grief Recovery Specialist®. She is certified to present and facilitate the Grief Recovery Method® which is an educational program. She is not a licensed therapist, psychologist, psychiatrist, clinician, or counselor, and does not provide associated services. She is not trained to diagnose or treat mental disorders as defined by the American Psychiatric Association. The information included on this website is for educational and informational purposes. It should not be used as a substitute for services provided by psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, substance abuse programs, or emergency services.

Prior to becoming a Grief Recovery Specialist, I taught children and adults in the public school systems in Delaware, California and Connecticut. I was also a Certified Management Trainer for Westin Hotels.
In addition to working with individuals, I often speak to groups and organizations about grief support and grief recovery. Please contact me for further information.